Whether you are looking for help in deciding what to write, want to be sure that your work is ready to be published, need editing, formatting or other services, we can help. On this page you’ll find information about all of the different services available, to help you get your book ready for publication.
To purchase these services, please choose what you need from the below, and use the Contact Us page to let us know your requirements. We will immediately contact you to arrange transfer of your files, and payment. Note that payment by Paypal or direct bank transfer is preferred, depending on where in the world you are located, other payment methods may be available. Please ask.
Editing and Proofreading
Our first class editing and proofreading services can help you take your manuscript from draft to final polished product. Editing is available as basic copy/line editing and as more advanced developmental editing (where our editor will work with you to improve your writing, focusing on the flow and readability of your book, the continuity of your story or explanations, and ensuring that the book will deliver on reader expectations, as well as addressing basic spelling, grammar and sentence structure issues).
Proofreading, with no editing – simply the identification of spelling errors, wrong word usage, naming inconsistencies and major sentence construction issues. You will receive an annotated manuscript so that you can address the issues found.
Price: $7.50 per 1000 words
Basic Editing
Correction of basic spelling, grammar and sentence structure issues, review of the content of the book as a whole, to look at the readability and ease of understanding. Major issues discussed with you, and an agreed edit made.
Price: $25 per 1000 words
Developmental Editing
Our editor will work with you to improve your writing, focusing on the flow and readability of your book, the continuity of your story or explanations, and ensuring that the book will deliver on reader expectations, as well as addressing basic spelling, grammar and sentence structure issues. The editor may suggest significant adjustments to your work, to better engage the reader, or to better deliver on your stated business outcomes, and will work with you to achieve those changes in the final manuscript.
Price: $40 per 1000 words
Formatting Services
Books can be formatted for delivery as PDF, paperback (to suit various trim sizes), Kindle or ePub. Formatting prices vary based on the amount of image content involved in the book, as well as the number of words. You will receive a formatted file, suitable for upload to your chosen platform. For Kindle, you will also receive a test .mobi file, so that you can be assured that the formatted file will upload and convert correctly in KDP. All required information must be available to allow file finalisation (eg, cover image, ISBN (if using your own), publisher information etc).
(images must be supplied by you – supply of images by us adds another $3 per image)
For paperback formatting only:
Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $10 per 1000 words
Fiction (text with 5 or more images) – $10 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Fiction (children’s, with quite a few images) – $10 per 500 words plus $5 per image
Children’s picture books – $20 plus $5 per page
Non-Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $10 per 1000 words
Non-Fiction (adult readers, some images) – $10 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Non-Fiction (adult readers, large numbers of images) – $30 plus $10 per 1000 words plus $4 per image.
For Kindle only:
Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $5 per 1000 words
Fiction (text with 5 or more images) – $5 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Fiction (children’s, with quite a few images) – $5 per 500 words plus $5 per image
Children’s picture books – $20 plus $5 per page
Non-Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $5 per 1000 words
Non-Fiction (adult readers, some images) – $5 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Non-Fiction (adult readers, large numbers of images) – $30 plus $5 per 1000 words plus $4 per image.
For ePub only:
Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $5 per 1000 words
Fiction (text with 5 or more images) – $5 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Fiction (children’s, with quite a few images) – $5 per 500 words plus $5 per image
Children’s picture books – $20 plus $5 per page
Non-Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $5 per 1000 words
Non-Fiction (adult readers, some images) – $5 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Non-Fiction (adult readers, large numbers of images) – $30 plus $5 per 1000 words plus $4 per image.
For PDF only:
Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $10 per 1000 words
Fiction (text with 5 or more images) – $10 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Fiction (children’s, with quite a few images) – $10 per 500 words plus $5 per image
Children’s picture books – $20 plus $5 per page
Non-Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $10 per 1000 words
Non-Fiction (adult readers, some images) – $10 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Non-Fiction (adult readers, large numbers of images) – $30 plus $10 per 1000 words plus $4 per image.
For Paperback plus either Kindle or ePub:
Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $15 per 1000 words
Fiction (text with 5 or more images) – $15 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Fiction (children’s, with quite a few images) – $15 per 500 words plus $5 per image
Children’s picture books – $30 plus $5 per page
Non-Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $15 per 1000 words
Non-Fiction (adult readers, some images) – $15 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Non-Fiction (adult readers, large numbers of images) – $30 plus $15 per 1000 words plus $4 per image.
For paperback plus Kindle, ePub and a PDF (for reviewers etc):
Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $20 per 1000 words
Fiction (text with 5 or more images) – $20 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Fiction (children’s, with quite a few images) – $20 per 500 words plus $5 per image
Children’s picture books – $40 plus $5 per page
Non-Fiction (adult readers, mainly text) – $20 per 1000 words
Non-Fiction (adult readers, some images) – $20 per 1000 words plus $4 per image
Non-Fiction (adult readers, large numbers of images) – $30 plus $20 per 1000 words plus $4 per image.
Book Interior Design Services
We can work with you to create a beautiful book interior design for your paperback, which reflects the personality of you / your business, and helps align your book with your brand. Designs can be done for a single book, or to provide a common look and feel throughout a series. We will consult with you about the design possibilities, your brand, your target reader audience, and your preferred colours etc, and provide up to 5 concepts for you to choose from, based on your needs and ideas. We can either format your paperback with the final design, or provide you a design template into which you can insert your content.
Design service consultation plus provision of template – $120
Design Service consultation plus format your book with the final created design – Standard paperback formatting charge (as per above information) plus $80.
Cover Design Services
We can work with you to create a beautiful, attention getting, sales promoting book cover, for your Kindle book or paperback, which reflects the personality of you / your business, and helps align your book with your brand. Designs can be done for a single book, or to provide a common look and feel throughout a series. We will consult with you about the design possibilities, your brand, your target reader audience, and your preferred colours and images, and your fiction genre or non fiction topic area then provide up to 3 concepts for you to choose from, based on your needs and ideas. The chosen design will then be finalised to suit your book size and the platform you will upload to. You will be provided an upload ready file to suit your chosen platform, plus a number of .jpg or .png images suitable for use in book promotion advertising.
Cover for Kindle / ePub / PDF only – $80
(front cover only, intended for electronic distribution only)
Cover for paperback only – $125
(single platform- ie, Createspace, OR Ingram Spark or similar, Front cover, back cover and spine as a single print ready file)
Adjustments to paperback cover to provide print ready files to suit multiple platforms – $20 per extra platform file required
Cover for both paperback and Kindle/ ePub / PDF, done at the same time – $150
Set of covers for a series of three or more books, if ordered at the same time – standard pricing per book x number of books, less 20%
“Find The Book In Your Business” Consultation
This is a consultation to help you assess the suitability of existing information and specialist knowledge, within your business, for the creation and publication of a book. The consultation will cover:
- An initial questionnaire to capture the hidden ‘book content’ that already exists in your business
- A 60 minute Skype or phone call to discuss, one on one, your business, and how your content may suit publication
- A report summarizing the conclusions from the call
- Recommendations for how best to progress the creation of your book.
Price: $200
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Publication Readiness Review
This is a consultancy to help you assess the suitability of existing book material for publication on Amazon, as a Kindle book, and potentially as a paper book through their Createspace option as well. The consultancy will cover:
- Initial editorial review of the existing material to assess
- What changes to structure, style or content presentation may be needed to suit a kindle format
- How much reformatting effort will be required after any editorial changes are done.
- How competitive the material is likely to be in the current Kindle market
- What changes to cover illustrations or book descriptions/ marketing blurbs may be required to suit the Kindle market and maximise chances of good sales
- What initial promotional activities may be needed to maximise chances of good sales, both by the publisher and the author
- How best the material might be marketed to deliver on the goals that the author wishes to target from publication of the book.
- A market status review of current material available on Kindle, which would logically be seen as competing product.
- A 60 minute phone or Skype call to discuss the findings of the review
- A written summary of all results
To make this consultancy possible, you will be expected to provide the following:
- At a minimum, the TOC, first chapter and last chapter of the book material, to allow review.
- Details of any previous publications of the material – where, what format, and some comments on the success of that publication.
- Information on what data formats you currently hold copies of the material in (eg .pdf, .doc etc)
- Answers to a questionnaire we will provide, with respect to your goals and aims from the intended publication to Kindle. (eg, increased authority in your market, drive leads to another website etc etc)
- Your availability at a suitable time for the Skype call, noting that we may be in widely variant time zones.
If, after this consultancy is completed, you decide to proceed with one of our standard publishing packages, 50% of the cost of this consultancy will be applied as a discount to the cost of the package that you select.
Price: $250
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