Writing Coaching
Writing coaching provides you with one on one support, to help you develop your writing and book structuring skills. This coaching will be aimed at ensuring that you get the results that you want in your writing, and grow your skills as you go. Coaching time can be purchased on an ad hoc basis, at $200 per hour, or a Bundle deal can be purchased, at a substantially reduced price. The Writing Coaching Bundle deal will include :
- 10 hours of coaching time, to be used within a 12 month period (Coaching time must be booked in blocks which are a minimum of 30 minutes, and can be scheduled to suit you – noting that time zone differences may mean that scheduling must be done carefully, and well ahead)
- An initial questionnaire to capture the aims and goals that you have for your writing
- Coaching will be delivered as a series of 30 or 60 minute Skype or phone calls to discuss, one on one, your writing, your progress, and how to adapt and edit your work to best suit publication
- Notes summarizing the conclusions, and next activities identified, from each call
- Payment must be up front for this price – for a payment plan, which will incur a slightly higher fee, please contact us.
Price: $997
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Publishing Coaching
Publishing Coaching provides you with one on one support, to help you get the best out of your existing self publishing accounts, to navigate the complexities of the internal rules and processes of Amazon, CreateSpace and other publishing points, and to optimise your book results, without you needing to ‘reinvent the wheel’ and become a publishing technology expert yourself. Coaching time can be purchased on an ad hoc basis, at $200 per hour, or a Bundle deal can be purchased, at a substantially reduced price. The Publishing Coaching Bundle Deal will include:
- 10 hours of coaching time, to be used within a 12 month period (Coaching time must be booked in blocks which are a minimum of 30 minutes, and can be scheduled to suit you – noting that time zone differences may mean that scheduling must be done carefully, and well ahead)
- An initial questionnaire to capture the aims and goals that you have for your publishing, and the current challenges that you are experiencing with using the Amazon (or other) platform.
- Coaching will be delivered as a series of 30 or 60 minute Skype or phone calls to discuss, one on one, your publishing, your progress, and how to format, package and promote your books for best results
- Information will be provided on marketing approaches, the development of a marketing plan and actioning that plan, but the coaching does not include the marketing activity itself.
- Notes summarizing the conclusions, and next activities identified, from each call
- Payment must be up front for this price – for a payment plan, which will incur a slightly higher fee, please contact us.
Price: $997
[button link=”https://askcharlyleetham.com/clients/dsp/contact-us/”]Please Contact Us to Request This Service[/button] [hr]Courses
Formatting Masterclass Course
The Formatting Masterclass course will teach you everything you need to know, to format your own books for any platform. If you are the kind of person who loves to learn, and wants to ‘do it all yourself’, then this course is for you. In 8 modules, with more than 75 short videos, each of which clearly explains a part of the process, covering both fiction and non fiction books, you can be sure that you’ll learn what you need. Launching in January 2017. Sign up for the VIP early alert list at http://www.formatmasterclass.com
The Zero to Book Three Day writing intensive
will take you from idea to completed book in just three days! Find out more at http://www.zerotobook.com